Earlier this month, EVBox opened its official Lab Space in Amsterdam. Thanks to the new site, EVBox is able to test all of its future charging stations on actual vehicles in its own facility. The increasing number of electric vehicles on the roads means that the demand for charging infrastructure is growing day by day. EVBox is rising to the challenge by heavily investing in research and development (R&D) that will look to bring new technologies to the industry.
Amsterdam, January 30, 2020—The EVBox Lab Space is situated in Amsterdam-Zuidoost (NL), and will facilitate the development and testing processes at EVBox. This dedicated space for flexible testing on vehicles helps EVBox to improve its product offering and continue to contribute to the eMobility industry.
From left to right: Arjan van Rooijen (CTO of EVBox) and Kristof Vereenooghe (CEO of EVBox) at the opening of the EVBox Lab Space
The Lab Space will house the R&D team, the Product Expert team, and the Product Validation team. Thanks to this new location, EVBox has the capacity to perform all kinds of AC and DC tests on different vehicles and loads, as well as further develop its load balancing and vehicle-to-grid (bidirectional charging) technologies. However, the Lab Space is not the only location EVBox has dedicated to R&D. In November of last year, the company re-opened the renovated Bordeaux facility in France, where EVBox produces 450 DC units of fast and ultra-fast charging stations per month.
The Lab Space also offers additional space for a training center that provides technical trainings for AC and DC charging.
The opening of the Lab Space was celebrated by 60 members of the aforementioned teams, as well as management that included Kristof Vereenooghe (CEO), Arjan van Rooijen (CTO) Daan Hobbelen (VP Engineering), and Merlyn Bijnsdorf (VP HR & Workplace at EVBox).
The EVBox Lab Space has already proved its worth with some of the advanced charging and secure communication testing that we’ve executed on new cars that will enter the market in a later stage. This dedicated space will bring EVBox’s research and development center to the next level to match the market’s needs.Arjan van Rooijen (CTO of EVBox)
Founded in 2010, EVBox accelerates the adoption of electric mobility by bringing convenient, integrated EV charging solutions to businesses and drivers around the world. From its extensive portfolio of commercial and ultra-fast charging stations built by EVBox to its scalable charging management software engineered by Everon, EVBox ensures that electric mobility is accessible to everyone.
Backed by ENGIE, EVBox is a leader in research and development, with multiple labs and factories across Europe and North America developing groundbreaking EV charging technology. With offices across the globe including Paris, Chicago, and Amsterdam, and strong foundations in dozens of markets, EVBox is shaping a cleaner future of transportation.
About EVBox
To build a sustainable future, EVBox empowers businesses and drivers to embrace electric mobility. EVBox’s charging solutions lay the foundations for a world where electric mobility is the new normal by giving EV drivers the ability to charge with confidence, allowing businesses to easily enter the market and scale their offering as demand grows, and evolving with the rapid pace of innovation. Founded in 2010, EVBox is now a market leader in electric vehicle charging infrastructure (EVSE) who has delivered over 550,000 charging ports to partners and customers globally. The solutions EVBox is offering include charging stations for residential, commercial, and fast-charging network usage, as well as charging management software. More information can be found on evbox.com.
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